Rallies, poker runs and more
All events are current as of Aug. 28. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information. Readers are advised to contact the sponsor of the event to confirm details.
AUG. 23-26
– Ballard Bike Rally, Barlow, Ky. – 2170 Wayside Inn Road; fun, food, entertainment, poker run; Contact (270) 334-3620 or visit ballardbikerally.com.
AUG. 30-SEPT. 3
– 25th Anniversary Easyriders 2011 Grand Nationals Rodeo and Rally, Chillicothe, Ohio – Ross Co Fairgrounds, Hwy 35 and Rt 104 North, 18+ only, gates open noon Thursday. Saturday events include Charlie Hunnam (JAX) from Sons of Anarchy show, Kentucky Headhunters, ride-in bike show, exhibits, dyno drags, trophy girl contest, bar stool races, used parts corral, camping, food and drink. For more information: (800) 962-9857 or www.EasyridersEvents.com.
AUG. 31-SEPT. 1
– Fire in the Hole Ride and Rally, Lebanon, Va. -10547 Moccasin Valley Road; Music, food and drink, vendors, bike show, car and truck show, exotic dancers, couples “lapdance” tournament, bikini contest, bike rodeos, dirt drags, tattoo contest, wet T-shirt and more. (276) 701-7000 or fireinthehole.org.
– ABATE of Maryland Mid-Shore Chapter Annual Labor Day Party, Centreville, Md. -Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park; rain or shine; music and drink, food, bike show, games, tattoo artist, vendors. Contact Midshoreabate.com or (410) 714-0831.
SEPT. 7-8
– The Bundy Run, Weston, WV – Redneck Riviera Ft 19, Weston; Friday, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday registration 10 a.m. to noon. This event includes a dice run, raffles, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, food, refreshments, live music, and much more. For more information, contact (304) 641-5008.
SEPT. 7-9
– 18th annual Thunder on the Lake, Conneaut Lake, Pa. – Walt’s Tavern, Rt. 618; Music, food, bike show, wet T-shirt contest. Contact (814) 382-9593 find Thunder on the Lake on Facebook.
– Helping Veterans Help Themselves Motorcycle Benefit Run, Charles Town, WV – Washington St., Registration starts at 9 a.m.; $20 per rider, $10 per passenger. All benefits will go to the American legion Post #71 to improve the programs for our veterans in our community. This event includes a scenic poker run style ride, live music, food, refreshments, and much more. Contact for more information: (304) 995-254.
SEPT. 8-9
– 6th Annual Lindsey Raines Memorial Scholarship Ride, Lewisburg, WV – Starts at the Spare Time Sports Bar & Grille, Route 219 North Jefferson Street, Lewisburg, and ends at West End Bar & Grill in Rainelle. Registration 9 a.m. to noon. $20 per person includes event T-shirt and food at the end of the ride. Choice of two routes. 50/50 and drawing for prizes, Raffle on a flat screen TV and a handmade Harley quilt. For more info contact Paul (304) 438-7102 or email westernauto@yahoo.com.
SEPT. 12
– Motorcycle Ride for Sight, Huntington, WV – The ride starts at 63 West Third Ave., Huntington, WV. Registration starts at 9:30 am and the ride will leave at 11:30 am. Come ride to support the blind and visually impaired of our community. Activities following the ride. Contact (304) 522-6991 or visit cabellwayne.org.
– Torches Across America 9 11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride, Allentown, Pa. – The ride starts at Howard Johnson Inn & Suites in Allentown. Motorcycles go out at 7:00 am. The ride will go to New York and Pennsylvania to Honor the heroes of 9 – 11. There is no registration fees. Riders pay for their own expenses. The ride is for all makes models of motorcycles. participants may ride the whole trip or just through your state, a few miles, or whatever you feel to show your support. The ride includes nightly stops in various cities. September 12 the ride ends in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. For more information click here to send e-mail, or go to torchesacrossamerica.com.
SEPT. 15
– Trail of Tears Remembrance Motorcycle Ride, Chattanooga, Tenn. -To remember the plight of the Native American people who were driven from their homes and forced to endure terrible hardships along the way. The ride ends in Florence, Ala. Extended ride ends in Oklahoma. For more information, visit www.trailoftears-remembrance.org or call (877) TOT-TRIP.
– 3rd Annual Motorcycle Rally for Teen Challenge, Bluefield, WV – The ride starts at 10 a.m. at the First Baptist Church of Bluewell, 189 Pinnacle View Rd., with a picnic and bluegrass gospel music to follow. Visit www.facebook.com/events/316961345066319/ or email firstbaptistchurchofbluewell@frontier.com.
SEPT. 22
– 2nd Annual F.O.O.F. Poker Run, Rivesville, WV – F.O.O.F. (Fraternal Order Of Friends) is hosting a Poker Run to benefit local Families in need!. We set up an emergency fund to aid our local Friends & Families who come upon hard times due to illness, disaster caused by nature, fire etc. F.O.O.F. has been doing this event for nearly 25 years. Located at Paw Paw Fairgrounds in Rivesville. For information: (681) 404-6073 or wvliesel@yahoo.com.
Compiled by the Graffiti staff.