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Mr. Ballen and Danielle Kirsty YouTube delights

By Candice Black - | Feb 23, 2023

By Candice Black

I never understood or could relate to people who say they don’t watch tv much but now I find myself relating because I’ve turned to YouTube for entertainment. I used to make fun of people who watched it a lot but now that I’ve gotten hooked on a couple of channels and now it’s a majority of the content I watch.

The “strange dark and mysterious” pretty much some up my interests and it’s the topic of YouTuber Mr. Ballen who narrates videos in a story format with factual information.

I looked up his channel after seeing him in a photo with fellow YouTuber Bailey Sarian (I’ll talk about her later). I immediately liked his content and the easygoing way he tells the stories in front of a green screen that he customizes to match the story he’s telling.

He reminded me of Luke Danes from Gilmore Girls with his classic style of a flannel button-up shirt and backward baseball cap.

When he first started his channel, Mr. Ballen uploaded 3-5 times a week so he quickly flooded YouTube with his content. He now only uploads once a week but the quality of his videos is always top notch.

While most content creators merely tell viewers to ‘like’ the video, Mr. Ballen comes up with creative, funny ways to tell people to ‘like’ it, such as “please offer to make the like button a s’more, but instead of using chocolate, use mud.”

Mr. Ballen also writes his own hilarious and outlandish scripts for the paid ads. I’ve never seen anyone do this and it’s a refreshing and entraining way to watch an ad.

He also has a podcast with exclusive content separate from the videos on YouTube. It’s nice that he offers a couple of different ways to consume the content.

At the end of the video, he mentions his nonprofit company called the Mr. Ballen Foundation which aims to help victims of violent crimes and their families. It’s something special when someone uses their platform to “rewrite the story” for victims.

Danielle Kirsty is a true crime and makeup creator whose videos were suggested based on my Bailey Sarian views (her show is Murder Mystery and Makeup). I already knew I liked the idea behind watching somebody putting on makeup while they talk about a true crime case but Danielle brings something special to the table.

First of all, she’s British so she has a nice voice to listen to. The other unique part about her is that she has a criminology degree so she offers a unique perspective and forms several theories behind the cases.

Most of her videos are close to an hour long and she really dives deep into the background and events of the case. What sets her apart from other similar creators is her empathy and compassion.

At the end of every video, she spends a few minutes honoring the victims of the crime she’s talking about.

She also has a similar charity to the Mr. Ballen Foundation and donates process of a hoodie she sells to help victims of crime. It’s truly heartwarming to hear people like Danielle and Mr. Ballen using their talents to help people and proves to viewers that they’re not just trying to monetize on people suffering.

Hop over to YouTube to check out Mr. Ballen and Danielle Kirsty.

Their videos are great to have in the background while working or cleaning the house.

Candice Black can be reached at cblack@newsandsentinel.com.