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Freaky fun at the Flatwoods Monster Museum

By Staff | Feb 22, 2023

By Candice Black

Mothman gets all of the attention as being West Virginia’s cryptid mascot but natives are no stranger to another: The Flatwoods Monster.


In the eve of September 12 of 1952, four Flatwoods residents were playing in the field of the local elementary school when “suddenly, a bright light streaked across the sky overhead and appeared to crash into a hillside on G. Bailey Fisher’s farm,” according to the Braxton County website.

The group investigated the site of the crash and glimpsed a pulsing red flight before they witnessed a terrifying site – A ten foot tall creature with a head shaped like a spade and what appeared to be a dark, metal ‘dress,'” the site said.

It levitated off the ground and left behind a mist floating in the air and the group noticed its twisted, clawed hands before it hissed and glided toward them.

“Some of the members of the group suffered from throat irritation, vomiting and nausea, which persisted for days,” the site said. If you’re not familiar with the Flatwoods Monster, take the trip to Sutton to check out the Monster Museum on Main Street. It has free admission and has souvenirs, artifacts, historic items, memorabilia and more.

The museum is open Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the weekends.