West Virginian First Man from U.S. to Win Einstein Belt
Calling Professor Danger. It’s an appropriate name particularly since the university where he teaches sits less than a mile downwind from a plant that manufactures deadly MIC. Still, he’s not a costumed super-hero, but for America, West Virginia State University professor Danny Boyd has captured an honor never bestowed upon anyone from the United States.
A college professor and filmmaker, Boyd has dabbled in professional wrestling. This time the wrestler applied to compete in a tournament of fighting thinkers. According to the League of Nations Web site, the ancient Greeks settled political disputes through games of sport. One of the oldest: wrestling.
Applying for consideration in the 2009 competition, 16 applicants were selected. They have not simply fought in 50 sanctioned professional matches; they must be authenticated with an IQ of 145 or above. The top 16 most intelligent contestants are chosen. Only one from a single country.
Veiled in secrecy, the competition occurs over five days in Geneva.
Danny Boyd defeated Germany’s Klaus “Super Nova” Von Schmidt, becoming the oldest and first American champion in the League of Nations history.
When you hear the term professional wrestling, you think, oh, so the matches were choreographed. NOT. “The Einstein Competition uses modern-day professional wrestling structure and design, but it differs in that the match outcomes are not predetermined. Fighters truly fight,” the LON Web pages states.
History students will recall the League of Nations as a predecessor to the United Nations. The League began in 1920 following World War I as a society pledging to maintain peaceful coexistence among powerful nations through diplomacy and arbitration. When it failed to stop Germany’s aggression leading to World War II, the LON ceased to exist as an international governing body.
However, the League continues as an “unofficial” advisory council to powerful world leaders using “quiet diplomacy.” As it now exists, the League owes allegiance to no country and its findings and recommendations stay confidential. Meetings are convened when “urgent world matters arise.”
Attendance is by invitation only.
Boyd, whose films include “Chillers” and “Invasion of the Space Preachers,” has been praised by independent film icons such as Lloyd (Trouma ) Kaufman, whose company is best known for the Toxic Avenger series.
He and co-writer William Bitner released a pulp fiction styled comic, “Death Falcon Zero v. Zombie Slug Lords,” which places wrestling in the forefront of an outrageous story line situated on Charleston’s West Side.