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Ready, set, relaunch

By Staff | Sep 23, 2008

Relaunches are common in the comic book world, restarting an old series at issue No. 1 with a new direction or a new creative team. This helps spark fresh interest in a title and makes it easier for readers to jump aboard. Each of these recent relaunches is just getting started and each brings a rejuvenated energy to an established property.

Conan the Cimmerian (Dark Horse). The fabled barbarian enters a new phase in his life when he returns home to the frontiers of Cimmeria. Timothy Truman writes the adventures of Robert E. Howard’s most famous character for a modern audience.

G.I. Joe (IDW). After a special $1 introductory issue in October, G.I. Joe begins again in earnest at its new publisher with original series writer Larry Hama once again guiding the destinies of the Real American Heroes.

House of Mystery (DC/Vertigo). The classic horror anthology returns, this time focusing on a group of travelers with shady pasts trapped in a mystical bar. When not busy trying to solve the mystery of their imprisonment, they tell bone-chilling stories to pass the time. (Mature Readers)

Runaways (Marvel). Terry Moore and Humberto Ramos begin the third volume of the fan-favorite series, following in the footsteps of Brian K. Vaughan and Joss Whedon. The young teenagers — all children of supervillains — return home to Los Angeles but still can’t shake off the sins of their parents.

Wildcats (DC/Wildstorm). After a false start last year that only managed one issue with creator Jim Lee returning to pencils, this new series reunites the classic team in the modern Wildstorm Universe and is written by rising star Christos Gage.

X-Force (Marvel). Once a staple of the early ‘90s X-overkill, the title has been reimagined today to deal with the darker and more violent aspects of the X-Men’s mission. Now a covert squad led by Wolverine, X-Force takes on the deadly tasks the rest of the team doesn’t know about.

Contact Jordan at jlowe@graffitiwv.com