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Blogging in the Blue

By Staff | Jul 29, 2008

West Virginia bloggers have a tendency to stick together and a good example is West Virginia Blue (wvablue.com), where any West Virginian can sign up to post. At least the ones who are down with the site’s credo: “Democratic politics, progressive policies, the good life and free living in Wild, Wonderful West Virginia.” The site sometimes sees multiple updates in a day and features everything from politics to current events to entertainment. Speaking of liberal politics, swing on over to Maura’s Bliss Adventures (follow-my-bliss.blogspot.com), where the Huntington resident celebrates what makes her happy in her “small, mediocre life.” Some of which includes Al Gore ideology and a healthy and funny dose of self-deprecation. And she makes a lot more time for her blog than yours truly, that’s for sure. But maybe you just can’t get into all of this liberal politics, in which case you may want to visit Clarksburg musician Eric Lewis’ The Blogomatic (blogomatic.blogspot.com). For every ounce of love that Maura shows Al Gore, Eric shows two of contempt. Eric constantly has his ear to the political ground of all forms of media and confidently posts his opinions, which often assign blame to the entertainment industry. Blogging in West Virginia seems decidedly liberal and Eric does his best to even out the scales a bit. While we’re on the subject of the entertainment industry, let’s move on to a blog I’m conflicted about mentioning here: primalscreamx’s Don’t Print This (dontprintthis.blogspot.com). This Charleston writer has partially made his living from interviewing people in the entertainment industry. He has exceptional taste in music and movies and he makes a very good point when he says, “Wookies should never wear Speedos.” Though, really, should anyone?

Bryan Stealey is the author Reversing the Numbness (reversingthenumbness.blogspot.com), home of weekly community playlist Friday Music.) You can contact Bryan at bstealey@graffitiwv.com.