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On the Big Screen

Dean Cain will star with WV students in ‘Zombie High School’

After the bell rings for summer break, Harrison County, WV teens will be involved in a summer project unlike any other. Along with actor/producer/TV show host Dean Cain, local kids will star in JC Films' "Zombie High School." Shooting will take place at Bridgeport Middle School in mid-July.This ...

Alien superhero story – with a twist

What if Ma and Pa Kent had rescued and adopted a juvenile Kryptonian delinquent? In "Blackburn," Tori and Kyle Breyer (Elizabeth Banks, David Denman) adopt Brandon (Jackson Dunn) whose capsule crashed on the outer reaches of the Breyer farm.As he matures, Brandon discovers an immunity to pain ...

‘Mine 9’ gritty and too close to home

Ordinarily, coal miners refer their underground workplace as a "pit of hell." They ask their Maker to watch over them before descending and that the "Lord allows to come out again."New Martinsville native Eddie Mensore wrote, produced and directed a tense film, in which nine miners working on ...

‘Us’ is another horrific hit from Peele

What is a doppelganger? If you don't already know, don't Google it until after you have seen Jordan Peele's 'Us,' which could be subtitled 'Watch Out For Strangers in Red?Suits,' a carnival that has lots of rabbit holes, a prophetic Bible verse from Jeremiah 11:11 which concerns God's promises ...

‘Happy death Day 2 U’ full of more laughs than scares

Expecting a mostly light horror outing, "Happy Death Day 2 U" crowds a college years comedic parody with a "Quantum Leap" time loop trap a la "Groundhog Day," creating the funniest horror oddity I've seen in near eternity ("Scream," "Scary Movie," "Love at First Bite" are predecessors).Director ...

Eagerly awaiting Captain Marvel

Bang it's a bird. Wow. A man of steel - no a woman. Shazam.Already critical blurbs are showing awesome reactions to "Captain Marvel" (Disney/Marvel) starring Brie Larson, even as a male-versus-female controversy emerges. Gender flack aside, Kayti Burt of Den of Geek tweeted:1. Cat people will ...

Girl power is strong in upcoming releases

Following the explosive success of "Wonder Woman," Hollywood's "suits" have gradually seized on elevating women from a damsel in distress or sidekick to featuring them in self-attained heroic roles and roles where they don't rely on a man for solving a challenge.Boy-meets-girl romantic comedies ...

‘Glass’ marries Shyamalan films together

M. Night Shyamalan ("The Sixth Sense," "Signs," "The Village") has crafted an effective creep show with "Glass," a shotgun marriage of his 2000 horror hit "Unbreakable" and 2016's "Split," an even bigger horror thriller. Not unexpectedly, the film has awkward moments as it ties elements from ...

Eastwood shines in gritty ‘Mule’

There will always be stories to tell, but only Clint Eastwood can cinematically tell them in ways that intimately absorb viewers, whether blood, tears, or laughter flows.Eastwood's film career surged as an anti-hero loner --- a man with no name --- riding through a much more lawless and ...

A look at coming attractions in 2019

Let me partially prepare you for the season's superhero treat. Having taken in a few scenes from "Aquaman, "early word --- including mine --- categorizes the flick as a spectacular underwater action adventure fantasy on par with "clobbering time" edgy feel of a Marvel Universe entry. It's a ...