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Latest ‘Die Hard’ too much brawn over brains

By Staff | Feb 28, 2013

How long has it been since John McClane (Bruce Willis) took on bad guys? He still has the “right stuff,” interlacing action hero blood and bruises with a streak of patented one-liner exchanges. Missing? No time for thinking. “A Good Day to Die Hard” is simply bang, boom, flash and dodge.

Set partially in an urban decayed Moscow (with Budapest, Hungary as stand in) intriguing architecture subs for dusty “High Noon” streets accompanied by claustrophobic tensions described as lower level skyscraping via chopper maneuvers.

Having the essence of a would be tentpole, director John (“The Omen,” “Max Payne”) Moore’s major issue rests not with a still-muscular Willis and his head strong, spitting image offspring (Jai Courtney). The duo has a recoiling chemistry appropriately injecting a partnership that often spurts acid and alkaline.

Ultimately, the flimsy “file” possessed by the would-be defector needs script buffering which would slow the ride but stimulate brain cells.

There’s hardly time to contemplate the U-235 enriched weapons-grade uranium risk for terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, or dirty bombs, when you’re continuously wiping destruction debris from your eyes.

Author’s note: Doubt the economic impacts of location filming? Stick around for the very last image – documentation of the number of jobs created by this flick’s production.