YouTuber has passion for cleaning, helping others

My Instagram algorithm hit me with a pleasant surprise when a cleaning reel popped up.
It showed a horribly messy, filthy home and at the snap of a finger, it was clean. I quickly clicked on the profile and it led me to Aurikatariina, a Finnish YouTuber.
Pretty quickly, I could tell she’s different than the typical cleaning YouTubers (none of which I’ve watched).
With the help from cleaning product sponsors, Aurikatariina cleans homes all around the world for free.
People either reach out to her themselves or nominate someone for the cleaning and they share the circumstances that created the mess.

Aurikatariina spends a week cleaning the home, filming the entire time, narrates what she’s doing and talks about the person she’s helping.
She has an infectious, joyful spirit; I’ve never seen anyone so genuinely thrilled at the sight of dirt and filth. Aurikatariina truly does have a passion for cleaning and helping others.
Most people wouldn’t even want to set foot in a home in those conditions, but Aurikatariina has a kind, compassionate spirit with a zeal to change someone’s life.
She isn’t afraid to dig into dirt and grime, a completely different vibe than the housewives filming themselves cleaning an already spotless home.
It’s refreshing (literally) to see someone using social media to make a positive impact on the world and spreading their kindness to people who truly need it. I highly recommend giving her a follow.