Daredevil event postponed
It looks like no one will be crossing the Ohio River by any method other than boat or bridge this year.
Ohio Outdoor Heaven Inc. CEO Wei Sheng said Wednesday that daredevil motorcyclist Robbie Knievel’s planned jump over the Ohio River from Ohio to West Virginia Oct. 19 has been postponed. Organizers are now targeting the summer of 2014 for the event, which was to have also featured Rick Wallenda, grandson of Flying Wallendas patriarch Karl Wallenda, crossing the river on a tightrope.
“We are going to postpone the event,” Sheng said. “We do have a few things we have not put together. We would rather do it right than rush … and not do it correctly.”
The story will be updated as it unfolds from our sister paper, The Marietta Times…stay tuned.