What’s In and What’s Out
In – Football is over. Face it. So, why not give Basketball a try? The great players are younger than ever (See Dwight Howard, Chris Paul and occasionally Deron Williams.) And when is the last time more than a handful of marquee players have swapped teams in one year in the NFL? Never, that’s when. So let’s all join Shaq, Pau and KG in the fun. And on the smaller scale we are getting dangerously close to that madness that always seems to engulf the month of March. Mountaineers … mount up! Out – Football is done. But that means every Cardinals, Lions and Bengals fan can once again feel like they have a chance at that Lombardi Trophy with a little luck and some wise moves. Look at the Browns and Derek Anderson. From zero to hero. But with the draft ahead, the year isn’t completely over. You can still get excited about someone who will most likely have very little impact in the upcoming season. But it is some nice aspirin to ease those season-long migraines for Raiders and Dolphins fans. In – And while we’re on the subject of basketball, let’s talk about LeBron James. It has officially been long enough that we can forget about the Spurs spanking the Cavs in the finals last year and focus on a more experienced, improved team in Cleveland. That has more than a little to do with the King, whose already established himself as in-line for his first of many MVPs. But we, or he, are not happy. Our joy will be spelled C-H-A-M-P-I-O-N-S-H-I-P. OUT – Shaquille O’Neal, At least of sunny Miami and into sunny Phoenix. But we here are Graffiti at least hope the Diesel’s still got a little left in the tank. One, we like the Suns and Nash deserves his ring. And two, no one, and I mean NO ONE has the PR chops O’Neal has. Day after day, the big guy will never let you down at the podium. And that IS a guarantee. In – Global warming is actually quite popular in Pennsylvania and Russia this time of year. As it is much easier to complain about the cold weather than just move. Bastards! Out – Seasons that know their role and shut their hole. What the hell is wrong with winter this year? Hey, let’s get up to 70 and then drop back down to 7 four days later. Summer isn’t as cool as people think, so just be yourself. We like you the way you are. So make up your freakin’ mind so the rest of us can not be sick for a while! In – Gin is in. It’s in A Gin & Tonic (obviously). It’s in a Tom Collins (sometimes). It’s in a Martini (occassionally). It’s often fashionable and has one of the most subdued tastes of any of the strong liquers. So give London’s finest a try. Out – The contents of our stomach. This goes with the ‘gin in’, as Ms. Gin is a rather feisty lady. This is also where we tell you to drink responsibly, especially if you have somewhere to go in the morning and would rather not spend the first half of your day worshipping the porcelin god. In – Winning those coveted West Virginia delegates made Mike Huckabee’s day last week. Of course he is still hopelessly behind John McCain in the overall count. But wait! He might have only gotten 18 delegates, but he has Chuck Norris on his side. Those 18 should be able to kick the crap, Spartan style, out of McCain’s wussy 723 delegates. Out – Come on Dennis Kucinich! Just because you have no chance of ever being president doesn’t mean you should just drop out every year. I mean, we hate to be shallow and not talk about your politcs, but pretty much we just think your wife is hot. So, we’ll start our “Dennis the Menace in ’12” campaign as soon as we get time.