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A Little Gossip

By Staff | Feb 28, 2008

∫ The battle for the DVD kingdom is finally over and Blu-Ray has won the battle over HD DVDs. What? You didn’t know there was a battle going on? Well the yoke’s on you! Toshiba, the company behind HD DVDs, will pull the plug on the format and give way to the Blu-Ray revolution. The six-year battle allows studios to put their full attention on Blu-Ray technology. The motion picture studios are confident that consumers will re-buy their movies on Blue-ray…right, just like the time you were comfortable the writers were going to come back in a week.

∫ “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” is going to rock. I mean, I could stop right there and that be a reasonable tidbit of Hollywood news, but I won’t because…well, I have a boss. What I can say about the series’ fourth and much awaited installment is that the first official trailer has just been released and it showcases Indy just like you remembered him — only a bit older. From swinging into a moving car to running madly down steps of an ancient temple, this trailer is worth its weight in Aztec gold.