While DC is still trying to get its fledgling movieverse off the ground, Marvel (and other studios' franchises featuring Marvel characters) is getting to the point where they have to start thinking about replacing some of their most recognizable stars.Robert Downey Jr. is under contract for ...
DC's Green Lantern franchise features characters from across the cosmos. The Lantern Corps members themselves are charged with protecting the universe with the help of rings that can create virtually any shape and perform myriad functions, limited only by the wearer's willpower and ...
Wedding season is upon us, and what better way to experience one than through a sexy "pick a path" story? You can do just that in "A Girl Walks Into a Wedding" by Helena S. Paige.Your oldest friend in the world, Jane, is getting married and you are to be a bridesmaid. Will the wedding go off ...
A list of X-Men unlikely to appear in movies is a bit harder than my previous entries for the Avengers and Justice League.A bunch have already shown up, at least in cameos, and more are coming when "X-Men: Days of Future Past" opens this month. Where the Avengers and JLA feature characters from ...
A twisting thriller will keep readers on the edge of their seat throughout "Until You're Mine" by Samantha Hayes.In the opening chapter, a young girl wants to have a baby no matter what, to make up for the lack of love she feels from her parents. And in the following chapters, we soon learn ...
Two new books take a look at historical figures, one a non-fiction work and one a fictionalized accounting of actual events. Now in paperback is the national bestseller and multiple award-winning "Eighty Days" by Matthew Goodman.Goodman's non-fiction work takes a look at two young women ...
Comics may only be limited by their creators' imaginations (and editors' edicts), but every once in a while, you come across an issue or storyline that makes you wonder how anyone came up with it, let alone agreed to publish it.Sometimes these stories turn out good or even great. Sometimes they ...
Award-winning author Caitlin R. Kiernan writes as Kathleen Tierney in the next book in her Quinn series, "Red Delicious."Quinn (do NOT use her first name Siobhan) a former or maybe not so former junkie who has been postscripted into a war against the forces of darkness by her supposed mentor, ...
Not long ago, a lot fewer people knew who Tony Stark was or could name Thor's brother.Blockbuster movies have changed that, and even more obscure comic characters are likely to become household names with "Guardians of the Galaxy" this year and "Ant-Man" in 2015.But there are other characters ...
Spoiler warning if you haven't read any Spider-Man comics since December 2012: Spider-Man is sorta dead.In a gutsy, controversial and ultimately rewarding move, Marvel killed off their most recognizable character in Amazing Spider-Man #700, unbeknownst to anyone except Peter Parker, Dr. Octopus ...